Trump 2.0
Bloody Hell. If you don't think things have gone full-on bat-shit crazy in our country since inauguration you are snorting some special kind of magic dust and frankly, I'm going to need you to hook this gal up.
This site is my attempt to document Trump's blatant, increasingly lawless, historically well-understood authoritarian tactics to destroy our democracy in pursuit of his own authoritarian McDonald's Play Land. Then he can be just like the friends he looks up to most: Putin, Un, Assad, Orbán, and Erdoğan.
Our democracy is experiencing blunt force trauma on a daily basis, while millions of people are in complete denial, don't want to know, our worse, are cheering it on. Democratic leaders are mostly useless and Republican leaders are mostly complicit.
This is not going to end well.
I feel mostly helpless to do anything. It's terrifying and I have been in a conundrum about my mental well-being. Should I just try to look away? Ignore what is happening? Hope for the best? Because really, there is almost nothing I can do anyway. Would that be the best way to preserve what is left of my own sanity?
Well, it turns out that I am just not able to look the other way. So I will document this shit show to the best of my ability - for as long as I can stand it.
Other than the homepage this site will contain pages for essays, resources, and how to fight back.
THE BLOG: Documenting the Disaster
ESSAYS: Conversations in Upside Down Land. This page is under construction but will feature essay on political topics by myself and others.
In all of my writing I will include facts and my opinions about the facts stated. Feel free to correct me if you think I have incorrectly reported a fact. Accuracy is key.
We've gotten to the point in this country where we can't even agree on what a fact is.
So for clarity: A fact is a piece of information that is true and can be proven. Facts are objective and can be verified with evidence.
I will throw in humor whenever I can as jokes are one of my only coping mechanisms!